Weather like this...

... hasn't helped matters.
Thankfully though there remains - for now - a gorgeous ongoing sort of Indian Summer. Which has seen days like this...
And this...
Am not sure how I'm going to travel as the days get shorter and colder but for now I am enjoying the fantasy that Summer is on its way.
When I haven't been feeling royally like shit and/or lying in a semi-catatonic state wishing everyone would stop telling me how tired I look, I've actually had some rather lovely adventures this week. Catching up with old family friends, making plans for theatrical outings (to the theatre...), wandering London and loving school. Some fantastic lectures this week, with some incredibly engaging, anarchic lecturers (my favourite kind...) and even through the fog of self-pitying yuckness I still walked away feeling so inspired and excited and stimulated by it all.
Biggest news though is that I have moved into my new little home. I went to Primark (is there a fitting way to describe this monstrous store with horrendously but fabulously cheap everything, thanks no doubt to that fact it's all made by the small hands of Cambodian children...) Anyway - I went to Primark, having reconciled myself to the fact that it doesn't matter that my classmates buy Miu Miu when they're having a bad day and I buy M&Ms, to discover a mecca of manchester and warm fabulous polar fleecy blankets in a variety of great colours in which to cover my bed.
On my way home though I was, hmm, mortified? startled? slightly disconcerted? to discover that the homeless guy at Waterloo Station and I share the same taste in said warm fabulous polar fleecy blankets - right down to the particular shade of teal. Talk about a reality check, I mean there's homeless chic and then there's homeless, shit. Gosh it's a good blanket though.
So yes - have moved into my little room - and am enjoying the sparseness that comes with being in possession of so few of one's belongings... No doubt that won't last long.
Tomorrow is set for assignment writing and general quietness/faffing. We're heading off on a three day excursion on Wednesday - to Liverpool to see the Biennial, to Birmingham and to Sudeley Castle. Wherever the hell that is. Will be fascinating - and not entirely, I suspect, unlike school camp......
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