Have spent the last couple of days wandering around Battersea and Clapham. Despite, or perhaps thanks entirely to my semi-bewildered state, it's been a genial introduction to London. After my last visit to London, where I was inadvertently pushed, shoved, ignored, trodden on and walked over, to say I was a bit apprehensive about returning would be a statement of gross under-emphasis. Ambivalence would be a polite word, fucking dreading it would be several others...
So the last few days have been a great balm to my trepidation. Northcote Rd - just around the corner from where I'm currently staying - is full of cool little bars, cafes with names like Boiled Egg and Soldiers and a fabulous weekend street market offering all sorts of evils of the Heathrow injection variety. There's a real air of village life to it - which is pretty fabulous given how close it is to the hell of central London. I need to start looking for a place to live - and feel excited about the prospect of discovering similar enclaves on the other side of the river.
Tomorrow will be my first foray into central London since arriving - for my first day of class. I feel sick with nerves - and that's just about deciding what to wear. Is there such a pair of shoes in the world that scream "I'm fabulous and hilarious and lovely and smarter than I look and we should be friends?" I don't know but I'm fairly sure I don't own them.
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