Tuesday 14 August 2012

Jumping on Jeremy

This is a cheat post. One of those posts where you stick up a bunch of images in lieu of substantive or witty writing to tell yourself you updated the blog. Tick.

I am writing. Just elsewhere. A book. I'm nearly done. I promise.

In the meantime, distract yourself with pictures of our visit to Burgess Park, Peckham two weekends ago to jump on Jeremy Deller, or rather, Jeremy Deller's brilliant, bouncing Stonehenge spectacle, Sacrilege. The title says it all really.

What it doesn't say is that if you're exhausted BEFORE you go jumping, you'll be totally fucking ruined afterwards.

Oh cardio (and sleep) - how I miss thee.


In the meantime - look, pretty pictures!

Please, No Human Sacrifice

Portrait of an exhausted crazy jumping lady

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